Brock Olsen

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Relationship Health vs. Relationship Longevity

In this video, I talk about how sometimes we find ourselves in a relationship that we know has not been healthy for quite some time, but we still fight to rationalize staying to avoid making the difficult choice of letting go.

You'd think if we were so unhappy it would be easy to just leave, but we all know this isn't the case. We struggle because we know how much we've already invested into the other person, how much we've sacrificed, the opportunities we let go, and we just can't imagine life without that person, regardless of how sapping the dynamic may be.

I've been there myself, going through the motions trying to pretend that there's nothing wrong, that it's not that bad, but at the same time slowly losing the respect I had for myself for not making those difficult decisions sooner. Eventually though, we have to take responsibility for our own happiness in life. And once that choice is made you're going to be amazed at what amazing emotional & mental experiences you've been sacrificing in exchange for hostile familiarity.


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